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This initiative makes it possible for municipalities, sports clubs and other organisations to have end-of-life synthetic turf processed in a sustainable manner.
TenCate Grass Group invests in the establishment of GBN Artificial Grass Recycling B.V. (GBN-AGR). From the first quarter of 2020, this company will recycle artificial grass in the Westelijk Havengebied in Amsterdam into high-quality circular raw materials that can be reused in industry and in the construction of new artificial grass fields. Until then, the GBN-AGR processing company will take in end-of-life artificial grass at a temporary location.
CEO TenCate Grass Group Michael Vogel:
“TenCate Grass strives to supply the most innovative and sustainable artificial grass with the lowest possible environmental impact. We are therefore delighted to be working with GBN Group, the leading expert in the field of recycling. With this initiative we are taking responsibility for the entire artificial grass chain, from manufacturing to end-of-life processing and reuse. This is our first step in creating a fully circular artificial grass process globally."
GBN-AGR works on 100% circular processing of artificial grass, so that BRL certification becomes possible. This certification guarantees both clients and buyers of circular raw materials a completely transparent and high-quality process. GBN-AGR will publish an annual impact report, which will indicate, among other things, how many square metres of artificial grass have been processed, into which raw materials or products and where the products have ended up.
GBN Artificial Grass Recycling B.V. is an independent company that is fully managed by GBN Group, a leading Dutch company for the processing of raw materials and residues. GBN Groep is part of Strukton. In the value cases it develops, GBN always consciously seeks cooperation with other market parties. GBN-AGR was founded with the support of chain partners Antea Sport, Edel Grass, Ten Cate Grass Group, Greenfields, CSC Sport, Sports & Leisure Group and Domo Sport Grass.
About GBN Group
GBN Group's mission is to make raw materials available for everyone. Now and in the future. It does this by closing the circle and enabling a 100 percent circular use of those material flows that are not renewable. In this way GBN reduces the use of primary raw materials and the world can continue to build and produce.
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